Photo by Roger Smith

Photo by Rikuzentakata Guide

Photo by Rikuzenkata Guide

The coast of Rikuzentakata City was once beloved for its picturesque white sand beaches and thick forests. The coastal forest once stood 70,000 pine trees strong, protecting the city from storms and tsunami. Tragically, the unprecedented power of the 2011 tsunami obliterated the coastal forest as well as the entire downtown of the city. Nearly two thousand people lost their lives. Of those 70,000 trees, only one survived the force of the tsunami. This one tree left standing was dubbed the "Miracle Pine," and soon became a symbol of hope and recovery for the entire region. Although this tree did eventually die from exposure to salt water, it has been preserved as a permanent memorial thanks to donations from around the world. Visit the Miracle Pine and the neighboring Iwate Tsunami Memorial Museum to learn more about the tsunami and recovery.
Near Miyagi
Last Update February 15, 2019