Photo by Brian Takahashi

Photo by Natasha Fox

Photo by Roger Smith

In the mountains of Zao sits a small fox reserve. Established to study a parasite that affects canines in Siberia and East Asia, Zao Fox Village has become a popular sightseeing destination, drawing fox fans from all over the world. Its highlight is the main enclosure that guests can enter and freely walk around, observing the foxes up close. The reserve is home to more than a hundred foxes, plus rabbits and goats.
There is a designated petting area where adults can pet certain docile foxes with help from attendants. Fox petters will be loaned a special jacket that dampens the scent given off by the foxes and protects clothing. Inside the main enclosure, there is also an elevated feeding area where you can toss treats down to the foxes. Be careful though, as they will fight over treats. As foxes are wild animals, unsupervised petting, hand feeding, and approaching foxes too closely is not recommended. Information on how to get to Zao Fox Village can be found on the website link below.
While Zao Fox Village has a large open area for you to be with the adult foxes, don't forget that they have another area where you can hold more docile foxes as well!
Mt. Zao